“ Champions keep playing until they get it right.”
6th Boro Summer Academy is the best way to prepare yourself over the summer. Our academy is extremely detailed and high paced. Each and every night in the gym is a giant step taken in your game. Come fall, you will be miles ahead of the other players.
The Girls Summer Academy is offered for grades incoming 9th through 12th, * SPACE IS LIMITED to first 20 players Group will spend 1 hour of skill work, shooting, offensive moves, etc. and 1 hour of weights, agility and flexibility by Hackley strength and conditioning coach.. Academy will start June 24th, and continues every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until August 16th..
Girls Academy is not for beginners/players who have never been in a basketball environment. Some experience is required to participate. For beginners, we offer our St. John the Baptist Camp, small group lessons, and private lessons.
Location: Hackley School. Tarrytown, NY.
Address: 293 Benedict Ave, Tarrytown, NY 10591
Price: Full 20 Session Special Rate $600
Days of the Week: Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Time: 8-10 AM